Friday, May 20, 2011

Gila Nama Atau Kuasa?

Kalau korang nak tau, 13 Mei yg lepas, Warwick MSA bru je selesai mengadakan AGM utk memilih committee yg baru. Hari pertama, diorg post "Nomination is now open" Zaza si kawan ak yg comel nie dh g hntar nomination kat diorg nama ak, KN, Golo. Padahal ak ad kat tepi dia (bt2 x perasan la, sbb dlm hati mmg nk run). "Zaza!! Jgn doe! ak xnk la run" DIALOG SKEMA BAJET MACHO marah zaza sbb nominate nma ak! Padahal suka! hehe =) Jgn marah Zaza! Mula berangan2 sket klu mng, tgk2 bila Zaza baca post tu btul2, nomination hny bleh bt esoknye.. Ceh!! Over excited!! Tp Zaza nominate la ktorg lg lpas tu kan...Kitorg pon nominate gak utk Zaza! Asalnye ak nk nominate Zaza utk jd treasurer, tp ak x prsan ak ter"CLICK" post presiden skali! sekali Zaza naek atas bilik KN! "WOI! SAPE NOMINATE KAN AK JD PRESIDEN HUH??"...Ak blur la, bajet ad org lg jhat dr ak! Rupanya, the other side of me yg jahat tu! Hahahaha =)
Tapi2, ad sorg makhluk yg lebih excited dr ktorg rupenye, si mamat "SAM" nie...(bkn nama sebenar)..dia cuak org assassinate dia klu ak bgtau identiti dia nie...maklumlah, FB pon xde sbb dia kata, "NNT FBI SNG NK CARI KORG, PASTU ASSASSINATE KORG!!"..erm?? caya je la... bgus la bdk nie, dia siap tlg ktorg bt page utk org "LIKE" kat FB!! wow cool giler!!!! dh mcm promotion manager la dia nie!

Nie gambar kat page tu! mcm Victoria Secret nye page x? hehe =) nway, nie dia link page tu klu korg nk tgk ......

Anyways, thanks to all the voters! thank you so much for putting you trust in me! LET'S ROCK next year's WARWICK MNIGHT okay!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mari Mengkaji

Sepintas lalu di page Warwick University
tertarik dengan data jumlah bilangan pelajar antarabangsa
dari lebih 57 buah negara.

European - 1200 org
The People Republic of China - 1000 org
Hong Kong - 370 org
Singapore - 349 org
India - 334 org
Nigeria - 325 org
Thailand - 232 org
Pakistan - 151 org
Kazakhstan - 114 org
Taiwan - 100 org
Vietnam - 96 org
Russia - 90 org
South Korea - 80 org
Japan - 70 org
Kenya - 63 org
Turkey - 56 org
Mauritius - 33 org
Ghana - 31 org
Brunei -28 org
Bangladesh - 27 org
Mexico - 20 org
Indonesia -13 org
Uganda - 12 org
Brazil - 10 org
Colombia - 10 org
Argentina - 8 org
Chile - 5 org

WOW! ramai la Malaysian!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Easter Break~

Al kisah term ke-2 di Worik, tamat lebih kurg semiggu yg lepas. Oleh kerana, diri sudah papa lagi maha kedana maka ak x beli langsung ticket ke mana2 di eropah. Walaupun sbln yg lepas beriya2 merancang perjalanan dr London ke france-prague-budapest dan kembali ke London semula. Super gempak jek bunyi bla org tny mcm mne ak nk habiskan cuti easter. Akhirnya, terperangkap jualah kat Coventry terCHENTA ini!

Bajet sedih x dpt pegi mne2, maka berazam la nak stdy utk exam summer term nnt! Wlaupn dh tau yg konpem x bt azam tu, tp saje la nk bg cuak kat org yg jalan2 merata eropah. Klu diluahkan dlm prcakapn lebih kurg mcm nir la bunyi dia, "Ak nak stdy la cuti nie, exam dh dekat, x snggup nk kecewakan sponsor dgn keputusan yg teruk. Korg nie x takut ke xde mse nk stdy nnt?". Ok! ayat org jeles tu namanye.

Berita trgempar lg pelik berlaku sejurus rakan2 serumah pulang dr TURKI. "arep, laptop ak hilang!" erk!!!! terkezuttt ak, smbil berpikir adakah ini frape semata2. Smbil bertny adakah laptop ak pon kna hambat jgk? Alhamdulillah ianya tdk berlaku, ttp rompakan kecil ini adalah teramat peliknye! Si perompak hny mahukan laptop yorke dan wan amir. Kenapa? tertnya2 sekali. (Perompak! Plis comment kat post nie okay knape korg curi brg bdk2 rmah ak!). 40 Queensland Avenue mmg x slamat dh slepas kejadian rompakan thn lepas. Isyk!!!

Tuntasnye, bosan la cuti lama x g mne2....=(

Monday, March 14, 2011



Oh my God, this is a dream come true as I had a chance to watch ALL ENGLAND after 20 years LIVE from National Indoor Arena, Birmingham. I kept on thinking that this is so real! Thanks to Zaza for this opportunity! Anyway, talking about quarter final, it was superb! Waiting for 3 match involving Malaysian team.

Lee Chong Wei vs Boonsak Ponsana (Tha)
Koo Kien Keat,Tan Boon Heong vs Markis Kido,Hendra Setiawan (Ina)
Zakry Latif, Hoon Thien How vs Mathias Boe, Carsten Mogensen (Den)

It was a glory for LEE CHONG WEI, KOO KIEN KEAT and TAN BOON HEONG as the made their way to semi final! But there's no luck for Zakry Latif and Hoon Thien How as they lost to world no. 1 double.
We had a chance to meet with DATUK LEE CHONG WEI after his match. It was awesome for me to had this opportunity. No chance to take a close picture with him, =( but bumped into Wong Mei Choo. But, I got to shake hands with Datuk and said, "CONGRATULATIONS"!!!! Yeayyyy!!


Today, we come with a very high spirit to see our team made into final. We have to wait until late evening for the Mens double and Men Single.

Koo Kien Keat, Tan Boon Heong vs Cai Yun, Fu Haifeng (Chn)
Lee Chong Wei vs Chen Long (Chn)

Yeayyyy! Both of the teams made into the final after a straight set games against their opponents. We kept on talking about both games as IT WAS SUPERB, AWESOME, CRAZY, and etc. Its such a sad thing if you didn't watch it live! Seriously, I'm SO PROUD of them!!! yeah!!! REALLY2 PROUD!! Again I told everyone, I'M REALLY2 PROUD..OMG!!! I plan to make a big banner to show my support to them tomorrow!!!!


Woke up fresh to start a good day! We hope both teams grab the title, and make us proud of them. With a banner " MALAYSIA BOLEH! WE'RE PROUD OF YOU" in my bag, we went to NIA with such a BIG DREAMS! However, Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong didn't make it to win the title as they lost to Denmark with a rubber set. We felt so sad, and seriously I felt SAD. But they is no one to blame, as they've played to the fullest. GOOD JOB Kien Keat and Boon Heong! You guys was SUPERB and really2 AWESOME!

With a BIG HOPE left to CHONG WEI, we prayed for the best. Not just for him but to our MALAYSIA!!! I thought he played the game so well, and he deserved the TITLE for this year, and what a surprise, HE ACTUALLY MADE IT! Yeah, I feel like crying for his VICTORY against his traditional enemy, Lin Dan. With a great score of 21-17, 21-17, he holds his title from last year! YOU MADE MY DAY, DATUK LEE CHONG WEI. Now, I hope to see him once again and ask for his signature on my banner! and take a close pic! See what I got here....

a close pic!

and his signature on my banner!